

  Teaching in my view, is the most blessed of all professions for the simple reason that as teachers we enjoy the privilege of dealing with the best part of humanity… the children and the youth. we can be happy teachers only if we love and admire our children. We can be true teachers only if we can inspire our students with the desire to learn , the desire to investigate, the desire to question and the desire to think… think ahead, think a new, and think out of the box of conventional conditioning. Teachers by virtue of their vocation are called upon to be the prophets of a nobler vision and the agents of change. They cannot justify their profession if they surrender to the intransigence of the lethargy and lack of motivation among their pupils. they cease to be teachers the day their top priority ceases to be the progress of their students. History is dotted with great teachers such as Albert Einstein, Confucius, Dr. Radha Krishnan , Marie Curie and R.A Kartini and so on. whose exampl


  Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya akan kekayaan hayati. Kekayaan hayati ini tumbuh dengan subur di alam alam Indonesia. Indonesia secara geografis terletak di garis khatulistiwa, yang memiliki iklim tropis. Tumbuh-tumbuhan itu tumbuh subur di hutan-hutan tropis Indonesia. Hutan-hutan merupakan rumah ternyaman bagi beraneka ragam flora dan fauna Indonesia. Bahkan, hampir seluruh rakyat Indonesia menggantungkan kehidupannya pada keberadaan hutan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Hutang banyak menghasilkan berbagai keuntungan buat manusia, keuntungan secara langsung yang dirasakan manusia dari hutan adalah dengan tersedianya bahan-bahan yang sangat dibutuhkan manusia seperti kayu, binatang dan sumber makanan. Sedangkan kebutuhan tidak langsungnya adalah hutan merupakan salah satu paru-paru dunia yang bisa melindungi bumi dan umat manusia dari pemanasan global. Perubahan iklim yang terjadi sekarang ini, dimana musim panas lebih panjang dari musim penghujan merupakan bukti ba


  These days I think a lot about climate change issue. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner. This global climate change will continue to future if we do not take any action together. Based on  the global climate change in future will be like : Temperature will continue to rise, Frost-free Season (and Growing Season) will Lengthen, Changes in Precipitation Patterns, More Droughts and Heat Waves, Hurricanes Will Become Stronger and More Intense, Sea Level Will Rise 1-8 feet by 2100 and Arctic Likely to Become Ice-Free. Now, I am thinking about my kids later in the future. It will be so hard for them to survive. Thinking about these global climate changing sometimes made me think that, maybe it is good to not have a child by my own. They won’t suffer in the future. But, to be honest I am longing to have those kids of my own. So, I think I can do something


 Technology transforms lives. But is it for the better or for the worse? The globalistechnological revolution has indeed transformed social values and priorities. People of this age tend to live for the present, for enjoyment, entertainment and for self gratification with little thought for others and for the future. This world view can be self defeating if not tempered with wisdom and foresight. All of us try to seek out happiness in a million ways, often ending up unwittingly in unexpected misery instead. This happens due to an incorrect notion of happiness and a wrong approach taken to pursue the same. It is said that all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. What is not said is that all fun and little work can make Jack a misfit? Happiness, more correctly, is like the butterflies that we try to trap. The more we run after them the farther they flutter away.  But when we turn around and apply our mind to the work at hand, they come back and alight gently upon our shoulders. Work h

Cara Meningkatkan Kesehatan Usus Anda

Burger, cokelat, ataupun minuman bersoda memang sangat sulit ditolak. Namun, makanan jenis ini tidak terlalu baik bagi tubuh Anda. Nah, apabila Anda merasa akhir-akhir ini banyak mengonsumsi makanan tak sehat, berikut adalah beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk membantu meningkatkan kesehatan usus. Para peneliti menemukan betapa pentingnya memiliki bakteri baik di usus bagi kesehatan keseluruhan tubuh. Kekebalan tubuh berada di usus hingga 80%. Jadi amat penting untuk menjaga kondisinya. Konsumsi Serat Dengan memasukkan serat sehat yang tidak dapat dicerna dalam makanan, kita memberi makan jutaan bakteri baik dalam usus yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan kesehatan yang optimal, yang kemudian dapat memberikan nutrisi untuk usus besar dan membantu sistem pengeluaran Anda. Jadi tingkatkan asupan serat Anda dengan membuat oatmeal sebagai sarapan pagi, tambahkan buah beri pada smoothie dan camilan kacang-kacangan serta biji-bijian! Berteman dengan Bakteri Baik Ada alasan mengena


Latihan Membaca Komprehensif Bahasa Indonesia untuk Kelas 1 Bagi teman-teman guru yang membutuhkan contoh latihan membaca untuk kelas 1, silahkan download di link berikut ini: Selamat Mencoba! :) (y)


Image Egg is something that we can find easily in our daily life. most of People knew that egg is very good for the body. it is rich of protein which is very useful for our body. But only few people aware that egg is not only a healthy food but also an ingredient which can be used for “beauty purpose”. The white part of egg or albumin is rich of protein, it is very good for skin. it can be an anti aging, can remove the wrinkle on your face, tightening your skin and heal the acne. Egg has many benefit for us. we can consume it and also We can use egg for beauty purpose, it has no side effects, cheap compare to commercial beauty products, chemical free and also easy to get it. Here is the simple steps remedy to make your skin glowing and acne free. 1. separate the albumin from the egg yolk 2. whisk the albumin for few minutes 3. pour a table spoon of honey 4. mix it with the albumin 5. apply this mixture to your face by your finger